Focus on your spending habits and adopt circular economy aspects in your life. Infini is designed to empower you to be better informed in making those choices. Importantly, when purchasing new goods and services consider the brand’s carbon score. Consider alternative rotate choices and if still purchasing a new good or service, rotating to brands that are leading the world in lowering their sustainability and carbon impacts.
Future facing brands are those where planet, passion and people are its authentic purpose, with the better brands ranked with emerald status. In your efforts to make net zero real, consider the brand attributes that are of the highest priority to you. Rotating your lifestyle choices is at the core of your circular economy action plan.
Change is led by individuals persuading others, making decisions, and taking actions that lead transformations. An organisation itself does not instigate change; individuals do.
How can I rotate my lifestyle to reduce my carbon footprint?
It is our purchasing choices and decisions that drive our personal carbon footprint. Our carbon footprint reflects our lifestyle and our purchasing choices. Our personal circular economy plan is built around making change and rotating our purchasing decisions to have lower carbon impacts. Rotating our purchasing decisions often saves us money.
Some everyday examples that are worthy of consideration:
Two-thirds of our carbon footprint is often from our food and shopping lifestyle.
Shopping less, or with future facing brands, lowers your carbon footprint and rewards those sustainably leading brands.
You need to recharge your new electric vehicle from renewable energy to maximise the benefits from that decision.
Moderating your unlimited beef, lamb and dairy consumption can have a similar carbon footprint impact to operating that electric vehicle, at a much lower cost.
Flying frequently adds significantly to your carbon footprint. Given the extra perks, flying business class often has three times the carbon impact that flying economy.
infini, the smartphone app, to use to empower you to understand the carbon impact of your past and future choices.
Our lifestyle reflects our brand choices and our levels of purchasing new goods and services. These activities have a direct impact on our financial budgets, our health, fitness and wellbeing and our carbon footprint. infini is designed to empower you to measure, track and make more informed decisions benefiting yourself, your family and the planet. Achieving real change, after reflecting and rethinking your carbon footprint, necessitates you to rotate your lifestyle activities towards choices that have a lower carbon impact.
Rotating your lifestyle activities to prolong, renew, reduce, inquire, share or maintain (PRRISM). There are many considerations and areas that you can simply and effectively achieve to step down and lower your carbon footprint through:
Prolong – reflect whether an alternative purchasing decision can be made to prolong the lives of the goods you already have.
Renew – consider whether goods can be purchased, renewed, or redesigned for or from the second hand market so as to avoid the need that a new good, with its new carbon impact, is produced.
Reduce – reflect on how the purchase of any new goods and services can be reduced, whether that is quantity, extent or number of attributes that are not a priority to you. Fit for purpose purchases often limits the carbon impact of your purchasing choice.
Inquire – research brand attributes and prioritise the carbon impact in your purchasing decisions rotating to lower carbon impact goods and services with the other brand features you are looking for.
Share - before purchasing goods for a short-term use reflect whether you can hire, lease or rent that good. If you purchase a new good, consider how the good can be shared with others.
Maintain – ensure that the goods you already have are maintained properly to extend and maximise its’ useful lives. Are the goods I already have meeting its intended use for me. If it is not, consider whether the goods can be reused in some way before simply disposing of it.
These decisions and choices happen every day. The better outcomes are obtained from measuring those activities and taking action with permanent steps towards a reduced carbon goal.