infini one hundred
Step down 100 million tonnes carbon annually
Individuals, as the end consumer, have a key role to play in terms of affecting lifestyle changes. They have an enormous ability to influence friends and family, rotate their brand spending and build green teams at work for all to rethink their carbon footprint.
infini’s iPhone and Android app empowers all individuals and smaller organisations to Stepdown8. Capable of being leveraged for change by those passionate organisations of all sizes with a culture centred around the planet and people to achieve the infini one hundred.
infini’s global climate transition program to step down 100 million tonnes of carbon annually
100 million tonnes of carbon annually is equivalent to

2 million hectares of avoided deforestation for agriculture

7.1 billion telecommuting workdays

22.9 million households annual electricity

US$220 billion in rotations to Emerald and Green brands

21.4 million vehicles driven
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”
Vincent Van Gogh
Climate transition actions for all stakeholders are demanding to be accelerated well before 2030.
Boards, leaders and teams of leading global organisations are already progressing actions. Many are yet to develop plans. Harmonisations of disparate systems will bring increased accountability and transparency for all.
Individuals, as the end consumer, have a key role to play in terms of affecting lifestyle changes. They have an enormous ability to influence friends and family, rotate their new brand spending habits and build green teams at work for all to rethink their carbon footprint.
1% of the population, or 12 million people, of 28 higher consuming nations could achieve an annual 100 million tonne step down in the carbon emissions if
As leaders or owners of micro, home-based or larger organisations facilitating 800 kg of carbon savings across 10 of their employees, suppliers or other stakeholders.
As employees encouraging 10 of their work colleagues to each save 800 kg of carbon each year.
As families or households of around 3 people, each person saving 8 kg of carbon-e daily – Stepdown8.
As consumers rotating much or all their new brand purchases to carbon net zero branded goods and services.
As individuals, each taking active steps to reduce their annual carbon footprint by 8,000 kg of carbon-e.

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