Save 8 kg CO2e per day or more for every person in your household
#Stepdown8 #rethinkyourcarbonfootprint
Each of our lifestyles is unique and the activities we enjoy reflect our varied personalities.
Our basic needs are the same, but our wants are typically a function of what we can afford.
Overwhelmingly climate research demonstrates that we all need to change our lifestyles in some way and share the goal to step down global emissions.
For every person that is enough to fill six hot air balloons, demanding between 300 and xx trees each to capture each person’s carbon emissions.
Globally with
billion people
Our annual global carbon footprint is
billion mt carbon-e
Today, our daily global per person carbon footprint is 16 kg of carbon-e
of the global carbon footprint is from 1.2 billion people in 28 countries
kg per year - the higher carbon footprint of 1.2 billion people
The scientific research is complex but it does demonstrate that to reduce global temperature rises to 1.5ºC across the global population collectively:
By 2030, we need to half our carbon emissions from current levels, and
By 2050, we need to achieve another 50% reduction to net zero emissions.
By 2030, our daily global per person carbon footprint needs to be 8 kg carbon-e
50% lower than today
Your own carbon footprint levels vary depending on your lifestyle.
Globally the average annual carbon footprint is 6,000 kg carbon-e, with 50% of the population with much lower footprints.
Illustrating the relative proportions of “very high” personal footprints (each over 22,000 kg per year) and “high” personal footprints (each up to 22,000 kg carbon-e per year) as compared to the average and below average footprint levels.
Understanding what I need to do to achieve “net zero” can be difficult. Downloading or getting infini empowers people to measure their current carbon footprint and take steps to reduce their footprint towards lower carbon-e goals.
Stepdown8 is the guidance, based on your current carbon footprint, of the level of personal reductions to realistically consider as part of our global net zero ambitions:
Very high - set a goal for an 80% carbon-e reduction,
High - set a goal for an 8,000 kg per year carbon-e reduction,
Average - target an 8 kg per day carbon-e reduction.
The relative reductions of Stepdown8 carbon-e outcomes is illustrated in light blue.

We all have a part to play. Whether it is policy setting by government to reduce the emission intensity of our complex transport and energy systems or organisations that are increasingly setting net zero ambitions for their directly controllable carbon emissions. Recently the UK House of Lords reported that one-third of emission savings need to be delivered by consumers.
Our collective objective is the same, to urgently step down our daily carbon emissions.
You can’t improve what you can’t measure. Governments and larger organisations are becoming increasingly transparent on measuring and reporting its’ current carbon footprint and future goals. Leading organisations are engaging employees and value chain participants in the climate transition journey.
For consumers and smaller organisations, infini has developed the infini app to empower you to measure, track and share your carbon footprint and goals.
Reflect, rethink, and rotate.
Set your Stepdown8 goal today.
One that makes a climate positive impact, suits your lifestyle and is achievable this year and each of the next 8 years.