Go beyond net zero
Organisations are measuring its’ direct, indirect and upstream/downstream activities, respectively known as scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions. Leading organisations assess its climate transition plans, increasingly setting a “net zero” target for its direct and indirect emissions.
Many organisations have assessed emissions from up/downstream activities (scope 3) are between 7 to 9 times its’ direct/indirect emissions (scope 1 & 2). Leading organisations are working collaboratively with suppliers and clients to explore aligned arrangements to reduce the overall carbon intensity of goods and services to consumers.
Illustratively, the carbon footprint of the organisation’s employees’ households can be 50 times its’ scope 1 & 2 emissions. Achieving an equivalent “net zero” reduction for those households takes a 2% lifestyle reduction. Employee engagement, going beyond net zero, brings forward and leverages the positive impact from climate transition.
image shot at Ara Ha